Wednesday, November 19, 2008


I have been tagged by my sister Melinda to reveal 6 quirks about myself.

1: I shave my legs every day. I think it goes back to my childhood.

2: I hate gum as well (my sister hates gum). I use to love to chew it as a kid, but always hated seeing a chewed piece of gum. Gross!

3: I hate teeth, esp loose teeth. My sister has pulled more of my kids teeth than I have. That said, I have performed my fairy duties and have a baggy full of envelopes with kids teeth in my closet. What am I to do with all of these????

4: I love containers.

5: I love labeling things.

6: My dogs love my feet and often lick them, (and I like it.)

I tag Jeff


Melinda said...

YOU KEEP THEIR TEETH!!!!!! EEEWWWW! My kids teeth are in the garbage the second the tooth fairy comes.

Thanks for playing.

Bridget said...

Ha, I knew all those thinks about you except for #6. I also hate gum. Hate it, hate it.

Darilyn said...

I keep my kids teeth too. Why do we do that?

Sarah said...

I think that's so funny that you like it when your dog licks your feet.

Tonya said...

I can't handle # 6. You are so funny!

Elizabeth Dimit said...

Hate gum. I don't think we've kept Alexis' teeth yet. I was real shocked about the labeling thing. I've never heard of such a thing. :-)

Anonymous said...

Rach- fun to get your Christmas card. Been looking at your blog - Gordon was also called to be bishop in July of this year. Your photos at the beach are gorgeous - who took them?