This Tuesday for the YM's activity the priests made dinner for their mothers. I had some running around to do but eventually joined the dinner. (It was at our house.) Jeff was getting into town that night too. It was very nice. Blake made jello, others made chicken and rice and beans (I think). We played Celestial partners, with some of the questions tweeked so that we could see how well we knew each other. We didn't win but were a close 2nd place. Blake is a great son.
Speaking of... Wed we went to Blake's eagle Board of Review. Mitch Mason was his advicate and Russ Allen and Brian Merritt were on the board. Jeff and Cason's opthomologist was the head on the board. I new I had met him before. It went well and BLAKE IS NOW AN EAGLE SCOUT!!!! I can't tell you how happy I am that he is done, and with months to spare. For his eagle project he built a fence for the ACR here in Aloha. Once he tore down the other fence it was easy to see that they were not utilizing all that was available, so they changed things right on the spot. Blake arrange for a CAT to come in and flatten all of the dirt inside and outside the new fence line. Jerry Janeck had a great contact that came and did it for free. It took at good portion of a Sat. There were many great men that helped make this all happen. I sure appreciate all that each of the leaders have done to teach and help Blake become a man, especially Jeff. I sure have a great husband.
Friday, May 23, 2008
Soaring Eagles
Posted by Rachael at 2:31 PM 13 comments
Sunday, May 18, 2008
mother's day
thaOkay, so I saw this draft that was never posted. So here it is. Maybe I can get caught up...
Sunday was a wonderful mother's day. Jeff mad a great breakfast of fried eggs, bacon, and waffles. He bought me some plants and a fucia hanging basket. Carissa made me a clip all decorated, and Samantha gave me a great card with fruit and vegetable stickers on it. (I have a pep peeve about fruit stickers). What a sass! We played Scum (a fun card game) while Jeff prepared a great pork roast dinner. It was a wonderful day. Cason sang to me the last time for mother's day in primary. I cried. Dumb I know. We played a fun game called scum while Jeff cooked. The game is great because if you are the winner that round you are the Queen or the King. I love being the Queen. But the best part of the whole day was that my family let me take a family photo without shenanigans. I take every photo, so it is push the button and run. Last year they kept making goofy poses while I was posing so great up front. So this year, they were great. We had a hard time finding something that matched, so we decided to wear our favorite outfits. No matching at all. I just love them though. I think they turned out great for my push and run method. One of these days I will ask one of my great friends to do it, but for now, this worked. Samantha got a great picture of Jeff and me too.
Posted by Rachael at 12:07 AM 8 comments
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Sunday Cason stressed way out about giving a talk in primary. He is so funny. It was like he was addressing the Supreme Court the way he worried. He ended up doing a great job. Monday we bought a cake and ice cream and had some friends over so I wouldn't eat my for birthday cake. It was fun. Blake had bought me the movie the Italian job. Cason gave me a new set of head phones for my ipod that I could run with. Jeff rebought me photoshop and a new MAC computer for upstairs. I now have a computer all of my own. I am so excited! I still haven't figured everything out yet. I am still learning mac talk and I am just learning Bridge (the organizing program that comes with photoshop) from tutoring video's off of the web that comes free for a month. I am learning so much, mostly how to see my day fly by. The last couple of days I have learned a lot, but not accomplished a lot. It is a good thing Jeff has been out of town, because I'm not very good company.
Posted by Rachael at 11:50 PM 6 comments
recent activities
The last couple have weeks have been great. First, it was my 38th birthday on Friday May 2nd. I really meant to play it up like some of my blogging friends and announce it to the world, but I just got too busy. I did call up Jeff and took him to lunch at Izzy's. We had a great time and I was able to get a couple of pictures. I still don't know how to do that without having a double chin. We knew that he had to help someone move that night and the next morning, so we enjoyed lunch together. Don't we just look great, like two crazies right out of the farm. Sat morning was a busy day. Carissa spent the night at the Lloyds so she could ride
over to the Stake Activity day the next morning. Blake helped Jeff move someone and I think Samantha had Becca spending the night. Blake went to bed fairly early so he could wake up early for his SAT test. He has been studying for a couple of months now. I hope he does well. I woke up early to get ready for my triathlon. Bridget picked me up and we set off to set up our running and biking gear at the transitions locations. We went to the bathroom a couple of times. For some reason, as calm as I feel, my body rebels and takes it's own opinion and gets nervous. I didn't feel jittery or anything, just a few potty breaks. Bridget and I were fortunate enough to be not only placed in the same wave, but the same lane. That was the best. We sat there and got nervous together. She is such a wonderful friend. I am so glad she is apart of my life. The other fortunate thing is that one of the four people in our lane didn't show, so it was another lady, 5 seconds, then ANOTHER 5 secs, then me, and then Bridget. It was so nice! I was just fast enough to tail the 1st lady and drafted in here bubbles. It was so awesome. I did it in less than 10 minutes. A new record for me. Bridget wasn't far behind me. I forgot my big running number when I took off on the bike. Oh well, it didn't matter at all. I was pumping myself up to make this hill in the middle of the bike course. There is a steady incline for a while and then a hill. Right as I was going up the hill some random non competitive bikers passed me, but all in all, when I got to the top, I realized that the hill wasn't near as hard as I had thought. I raced it as fast as I could to the stadium. A fellow competitor tried to catch me the whole time, but didn't. We dismounted at the same time. When we took off running we talked for a bit, but his pace was too much for me. I had maybe 2-4 people pass me the whole race. That was awesome. When all was said and done I had done my best race ever. The best part is that I felt so good the whole race. I was positive and happy and felt strong the whole way. When I finished I stretched for a few minutes and waited for Bridget. I didn't cramp or hurt like I had other times. It made me feel great about getting older. The rest of the day was nice. Jeff came home form moving people, I got in a nap and then I went and watched Carissa play a couple of games of basketball, and later that night Samantha play in a couple of games. They both did well and it was fun to watch them. Carissa has a wedgy problem. I have bought her a few pairs of different undies. I hope to find one that will help her. I recorded some of her games, and she is going to be embarrassed.
Posted by Rachael at 11:32 PM 8 comments