Sunday, April 15, 2007

My first Blog

This will be my first attempt. I actually need to finish my budget and make a cheese cake. I have started something new this week in trying to keep the house clean and do a better job at being a homemaker. I have a list of items to do everyday and I stick with the items and ignore everything else until that list is done. It has helped me a lot. I usually and randomly do things that catch my attention.

I start with getting up and making breakfast for the kids.
Then I go work out and come back.
I wake the kids and we read scriptures.
I get the kids off to school and then I eat my wheat cereal for breakfast.
I clean up the kitchen, and that means doing all of the daily stuff and some of the weekly and monthly stuff. I am still trying to decide how often each thing needs to be done to keep it clean without doing busywork.
Next I check my e-mail. I like that part. I start to understand what I need to accomplish and add items to my to do lists.
Then I take a water bottle into the bathroom and take my vitamins.
By the time I reach vitamins I am really tired and want to take my nap, BUT I don't mind showering. A good hot shower is seriously one of my all time favorite things. But before I get in the shower I floss my teeth.
I know this must seem ridiculous to most people but I have a horrible time remembering to floss. I really put it off all day, every day. If it is on the schedule though, I do it.
After the shower I wipe the shower down with a towel and clean up the sink and toilet.
I have a bad time with my feet cracking and so I put that lotion on then too.
Then I finally take a nap. Yey!! It usually is about 1/2 hour.
When my nap is over I put on my makeup and make the bed.
I have trouble with getting dinner ready on time. I am really trying to work on this. So next I start fixing dinner.
Next I enter items into microsoft money and keep the checkbook up to date. I now have a budget and am going to stick to keeping all money accounted for.
Last on my list is paperwork. This is when I make calls, lists, and check my calendar for things I need to do.

After all of this is done it is about 12:30-1:00. I need to make up a schedule for the days the kids are home from school and Friday's. I don't workout on Friday. This worked really well this last week BUT I didn't have anything out of the ordinary scheduled. This week I need to get the jeep in to get the oil changed and VT and I think Blake has a Ortho appointment. I have a tendency to go overboard after I feel like I have failed. I hope I am not doing that. We will see if this takes. I do have to say I didn't feel out of control this week. Time will tell.


Bridget said...

Yes!!! You are joining the blogging world. Love it. I admire your organizational abilities even though you deny you really have them. You do. See ya in the AM.

mahina said...

yea! welcome aboard! keep it up!